Get to Know Family and Immigration Lawyer, Anny Leon
Firstly, I'd like to thank you for visiting my page and getting this far. Now for the fun part, a little bit about me! I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, but raised in the United States (Orlando and Jacksonville) since I was only 10 years old. I am fully bilingual in Spanish and English.
My family moved to this country searching for a better future, just as many families do. They left behind friends, family, careers, and everything they ever knew. I am beyond thankful for their sacrifice. Throughout our immigration journey, we encountered many hiccups including two fraudulent immigration attorneys and being placed in removal proceedings (deportation) due to poor representation. I remember my mother shaking at every single interview with an immigration officer and at every hearing at immigration court. I also remember how I felt witnessing great attorneys go in front of the immigration judge and defend their clients, as well as immigrants trying to represent themselves in a world they knew little about. These observations truly planted the seed that I wanted to some day become an Immigration Attorney and help a community that is often misunderstood and underrepresented.
Personally, I find myself enjoying listening to people's stories, relating to them, and figuring out ways to help them. This led me to the University of North Florida, where I graduated with a bachelors degree in psychology in 2013. By then, I was married and pregnant with my first child. I started law school at Florida Coastal School of Law in 2014 when my son was only about nine months old and graduated in 2016, while pregnant with my second child (my daughter). While in law school I was the president of the Volunteer Immigration Student Association and participated in many events to help the immigrant community, such as citizenship day. I also spent all of the time I wasn't in class, taking cases and working them under supervision at the immigration clinic. Many wonder how I managed and my only response is when you want something bad enough, you figure it out and you don't give up until you make it. While I studied for the bar, tended to my new baby, and worked as an immigration attorney, I started a masters in business with a concentration in management program at Nova Southeastern University, graduating with honors in 2019.
As far my work, I have experience litigating in Federal Court defending clients in security clearance cases. Since 2021, I have focused my work primarily in family law and have learned to love it. I am well versed in anything related to divorce, paternity, child support, alimony, and estate planning. I have managed high case loads and seen many particular circumstances in this field. As a divorced mother of two (now remarried), I can relate to my clients on a personal level. I understand the difficulty of having to make the decision to separate and the consequences that it may have on the children and the future. My goal is only to help my clients navigate through this process and advocate for them in the best way that I can.
Last few words...
Thank you for reading this far. I hope you were able to enjoy this little about me. I truly love and enjoy what I do and it is my ultimate goal to give every case the time, attention, and value it deserves.
I will posting blogs monthly on updated cases and various family law and immigration matters. Hope to meet you soon!